A love grenade coin bank
A love grenade coin bank<ラブ グレネード コイン バンク>
A Love Grenade Coin Bank<ラブ グレネード コインバンク>
容赦なく 命と幸福を奪っていく。
この【LOVE GRENADE(愛の手榴弾)】は 投げても
耳をつんざくような爆発音も無ければ 徹底的な破壊もなされない。
未来と幸福を願って、まず平和貢献につながるなにかを 今はじめよう。
あなたの愛を両替して この“愛の手榴弾”に蓄えて
War is destructive and cruel; it will mercilessly take away life and happiness. We don't hear the deafening explosion nor the devastation after the explosion when this "Love Grenade" is thrown. We see future and prosperity. Starting now, you can do something to contribute peacekeeping efforts. Convert your love to change and save it in "A Love Grenade" and donate it to those who are in need.
As our part to World Peace, partial proceeds are donated to "Act Now to Stop War & End Racism". (A.N.S.W.E.R.).
Size W約12cmx D 約10 cmx H 約16cm
Material Ceramic
Color White, Black
容赦なく 命と幸福を奪っていく。
この【LOVE GRENADE(愛の手榴弾)】は 投げても
耳をつんざくような爆発音も無ければ 徹底的な破壊もなされない。
未来と幸福を願って、まず平和貢献につながるなにかを 今はじめよう。
あなたの愛を両替して この“愛の手榴弾”に蓄えて
War is destructive and cruel; it will mercilessly take away life and happiness. We don't hear the deafening explosion nor the devastation after the explosion when this "Love Grenade" is thrown. We see future and prosperity. Starting now, you can do something to contribute peacekeeping efforts. Convert your love to change and save it in "A Love Grenade" and donate it to those who are in need.
As our part to World Peace, partial proceeds are donated to "Act Now to Stop War & End Racism". (A.N.S.W.E.R.).
Size W約12cmx D 約10 cmx H 約16cm
Material Ceramic
Color White, Black